It's about relationships. Really and truly, that is why we do many of the things we do in life- for, because, or about relationships with those we love. When it comes to weddings, I have a goal- to find those relationships and document them. To highlight the connection between people and provide my clients with timeless images that show that love.
Below are a small sampling of images from weddings in 2011 that left a lasting impression on me, personally. I suppose maybe it's because I was there, in person, watching the moment. But the joy of a photograph is that you really don't need to say anything to understand the emotion of a moment.

Mommy and Daddy's wedding day- this little angel didn't want to leave their side during pictures. So sweet!
There are so many fun and emotional images from all the weddings I've done in 2011- I'm sure throughout the cold and wintery season I will be posting more that catch my eye as I work on archiving all the galleries. :) Remember that a photographer's job is not just to TAKE the pictures- it's about capturing relationships, love, joy, remembering a lost loved one...I hope that I have met that goal in each gallery I produce.
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